
Total war warhammer ironbreakers
Total war warhammer ironbreakers

total war warhammer ironbreakers

  • ↑ Charge Defence Against All: When standing and bracing against a charge this unit will negate the enemy's charge bonus.
  • ↓ Can't Attack Air: Some ranged weapons, like grenade launchers, bombs or blasting charges, can't target airborne units.
  • Shields have a chance of blocking arrows, bolts, rifle shots and similar small arms fire - but only in a forward facing arc.
  • ↑ Armoured & Shielded: Armoured units can block damage from any source apart from Armour-Piercing damage.
  • They showed so much confidence in their unit that the back ranks often grabbed brief naps while standing upright, locked in place by tight tunnel confines and their own brethren. As veteran ironbreakers, they were well used to long shifts guarding vital passageways deep underground.

    total war warhammer ironbreakers

    Led by then Borrik Norgrim, the Axes of Norr held off the greenskin onslaught long enough for the Citadel to be retaken. 'Gand Dammaz, Az Baraz, Norgrimssons-za!' - which translates as 'Suffer the axe-promise, the Ancestors of Norr are upon you!' - they had fought by King Belegar's side since he returned to Karak Eight Peaks, winning renown at the East Gate. The Axes of Norr ironbreakers regiment were the most famous of the surviving Norgrimlings clan. Although the clan was scattered for long ages, many have now gathered beneath the banner of King Belegar. Now, scattered across many holds, some Norgrimlings still toil in the deep mines, but most seek to one day fight as Ironbreakers or Irondrakes. The atrocities perpetrated by the Skaven when they finally broke into the deeps is part of a saga passed down by the survivors, told as a ‘coming of age’ tale to their young warriors. Based in the lower levels, it was their kin that suffered the brunt of the ratmen's invasion during their long siege of Karak Eight Peaks. A mining clan out of Karak Eight Peaks, it was not unusual for a Norgrimling to go decades or longer without seeing the sun. All Dwarfs reserve a special loathing for Skaven, but the Norgrimlings have more reason than most.

    Total war warhammer ironbreakers